Network coding is a new research area that may have interesting applications in practical networking systems. With network coding, intermediate nodes may send out packets that are linear combinations of previously received information. There are two main benefits of this approach: potential throughput improvements and a high degree of robustness. Robustness translates into loss resilience and facilitates the design of simple distributed algorithms that perform well, even if decisions are based only on partial information. Here we explain what network coding does and how it does it. We also discuss the implications of theoretical results on network coding for realistic settings and show how network coding can be used in practice.
In particular, we show that Network Coding is practical in a P2P setting since it incurs little overhead, both in terms of CPU processing and I/O activity, and it results in smooth, fast downloads, and efficient server utilization. We also study the importance of topology construction algorithms in real scenarios and study the effect of peers behind NATs and firewalls, showing that the system is surprisingly robust to large number of unreachable peers. Finally, we present performance results related to verifying network encoded blocks on-the-fly using special security primitives called Secure-Random-Checksums.

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NFS^2 provides a mechanism for uniting NFS servers under a single namespace. It simplifies management of multiple NFS servers by providing access to all servers through a single namespace (no need for multiple client mount points), and by providing a transparent mechanism for the addition of new servers as the system grows. This system avoids distributed lock management, which has been a limiting factor in the scalability of cluster file systems. NFS^2 supports heterogeneous physical file systems within the single namespace, whereas other systems have relied on their ownproprietary physical file systems.

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A Web Hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to provide their own websites accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Webhosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center, called colocation.
1. Service scope
2. Hosting Reliability and Uptime
3. Types of hosting
4. Obtaining hosting

MoCap data compression by Model Based Indexing

Human Motion Capture (MoCap) data can be used for animation of virtual human-like characters in distributed virtual reality applications and networked games. MoCap data compressed using the standard MPEG-4 encoding pipeline comprising of predictive encoding (and/or DCT decorrelation), quantization, and arithmetic/Huffman encoding, entails significant power consumption for the purpose of decompression. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for compression of MoCap data, which is based on smart indexing of the MoCap data by exploiting structural information derived from the skeletal virtual human model. The indexing algorithm can be fine-controlled using three predefined quality control parameters (QCPs). We demonstrate how an efficient combination of the three QCPs results in a lower network bandwidth requirement and reduced power consumption for data decompression at the client end when compared to standard MPEG-4 compression. Since the proposed algorithm exploits structural information derived from the skeletal virtual human model, it is observed to result in virtual human animation of visually acceptable quality upon decompression.

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Inverse Multiplexing

As computer-based voice, video, and data services enter our lives in ever expanding ways, the computer networking technologies to deliver these services to end users are also evolving. The demand for large amounts of bandwidth over long distances is driving interest in ISDN, frame relay, switched multi megabit digital service (SMDS), ATM, satellite data communications systems, wireless communications systems, and other networking technologies. Making most of these services universally available requires either a new communications network infrastructure or significant modifications to the existing one. For example, PXM promises high bandwidth digital connections based on fixed-size data cells that can carry voice, video, and data. Universal ATM, however, also requires that today’s public switched telephone network replace its time division multiplexed (TDM) switching fabric with a new ATM switching fabric and enhanced interoffice trunk facilities. Because the value of the existing worldwide telephony infrastructure (switches, transmission systems, and embedded wiring) is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars, it is unlikely that it will be replaced entirely by ATM anytime soon. Although alternative transmission technologies will certainly be implemented over time to handle the growing demand for high-speed digital bandwidth, we must also make full use of the existing digital TDM infrastructure.

While originally conceived as a transport network for 64-kbis digitized voice, it is now possible to dial up point to point digital connections whose bandwidth ranges from 64 kbps to 3 Mb/s and beyond. Two significant enhancements to TDM networking have made this possible. The first is newly-developed software for digital TDM switches that allows dialed connections to exceed the original design channel rate of 56 or 64 kb, allowing carriers to offer dialed wideband services. The second is the use of specialized equipment that resides at the user’s premises to allow multiple independent digital connections to be “combined” to create a single, higher-speed end-to-end connection. This technique is known as inverse multiplexing, and the equipment that performs it is called an inverse multiplexer.

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Windows Mobile 6

Windows Mobile is a compact operating system combined with a suite of basic applications for mobile devices based on the Microsoft Win32 API. Windows Mobile 6, formerly codenamed Crossbow, is the latest version of Windows Mobile platform and has been released on February 12, 2007 at the 3GSM World Congress 2007. It comes in three different versions: Windows Mobile 6 Standard for Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Professional for PDAs with phone functionality and Windows Mobile 6 Classic for plain PDAs without cellular radios. Windows Mobile 6, the next iteration of the Windows Mobile platform, brings new features and tools to Smartphone while still maintaining unrivaled flexibility, productivity and customization. Windows Mobile 6 also delivers a more powerful mobile communications experience to the user and genuine Outlook Mobile experience through rich HTML support. Windows Mobile 6 provides an increased level of productivity by helping users reach deeper into information available on their devices to places they can’t reach while at their desks. Windows Mobile 6 delivers increased device control and security, and greater operability with Exchange Server and other Microsoft assets so businesses can efficiently deploy, manage and help secure their mobile solutions.

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Blu-ray DVD

Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD), is the name of a next-generation optical disc format jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers (including Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson). The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD), as well as storing large amounts of data. The format offers more than five times the storage capacity of traditional DVDs and can hold up to 25GB on a single-layer disc and 50GB on a dual-layer disc. This extra capacity combined with the use of advanced video and audio codec will offer consumers an unprecedented HD experience. While current optical disc technologies such as DVD, DVD±R, DVD±RW, and DVD-RAM rely on a red laser to read and write data, the new format uses a blue-violet laser instead, hence the name Blu-ray. Despite the different type of lasers used, Blu-ray products can easily be made backwards compatible with CDs and DVDs through the use of a BD/DVD/CD compatible optical pickup unit. The benefit of using a blue-violet laser (405nm) is that it has a shorter wavelength than a red laser (650nm), which makes it possible to focus the laser spot with even greater precision. This allows data to be packed more tightly and stored in less space, so it's possible to fit more data on the disc even though it's the same size as a CD/DVD. This together with the change of numerical aperture to 0.85 is what enables Blu-ray Discs to hold 25GB/50GB.
Blu-ray is currently supported by more than 180 of the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer, recording media, video game and music companies. The format also has broad support from the major movie studios as a successor to today's DVD format. In fact, seven of the eight major movie studios (Disney, Fox, Warner, Paramount, Sony, Lionsgate and MGM) have released movies in the Blu-ray format and five of them (Disney, Fox, Sony, Lionsgate and MGM) are releasing their movies exclusively in the Blu-ray format. Many studios have also announced that they will begin releasing new feature films on Blu-ray Disc day-and-date with DVD, as well as a continuous slate of catalog titles every month. The name Blu-ray Disc is derived from the blue-violet laser used to read and write this type of disc. Because of its shorter wavelength (405 nm), substantially more data can be stored on a Blu-ray Disc than on the DVD format, which uses a red (650 nm) laser. A single layer Blu-ray Disc can store 25 gigabytes (GB), over five times the size of a single layer DVD at 4.7 GB. A dual layer Blu-ray Disc can store 50 GB, almost 6 times the size of a dual layer DVD at 8.5 GB.Blu-ray Disc is similar to PDD, another optical disc format developed by Sony (which has been available since 2004) but offering higher data transfer speeds. PDD was not intended for home video use and was aimed at business data archiving and backup.

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A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations. Wireless sensor networks are now used in many civilian application areas, including environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home automation, and traffic control. In addition to one or more sensors, each node in a sensor network is typically equipped with a radio transceiver or other wireless communications device, a small microcontroller, and an energy source, usually a battery. In contrast to the traditional sensor networks that are carefully planned and deployed to the predetermined positions, wireless sensor networks can be deployed in an ad-hoc manner. Of course, such deployment requires adequate communication protocols that are able to organize the network automatically, without the need for human intervention. Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes result in corresponding constraints on resources such as energy, memory, computational speed and bandwidth. In computer science and telecommunications, wireless sensor networks are an active research area with numerous workshops and conferences arranged each year. Various technologies can be used for communication between the different sensor nodes like Infrared, Radio Frequency (RF), Optical Communication (Laser) so here we discuss the scenario of use of Bluetooth in the Sensor Nodes. The main principles, applications and issues of Bluetooth based wireless sensor networks.


Human kind is on the brink of another revolution. There is no doubt that the mapping of the human genome completed in June 2000, is one of the greatest scientific advancements in history. All this has been made possible with the help of high-speed computers, which were necessary to analyze hundreds of terabytes of raw sequence data and correctly order the 3 billion base pairs of DNA that comprise the human genome. Such an achievement has led to the world taking a greater look at the promising field of bioinformatics.
Bioinformatics can be simply defined as “the study of information content and information flow in biological systems and processes”. The overwhelming popularity of the field has led to its application in the fields of drug design, gene therapy, gene modification technology and pharmacy. It has also greatly helped the emerging fields of biochip technology and microfluidic technology. Through such emerging fields, scientists and researchers the world over, seek to tap the potential of a booming bioinformatics field.

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Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems

Mobility is very important in our society. People live in one city and work in another. They go to visit friends and family living in different parts of the country. Even leisure time is not always spent in their residence. Despite the Indian government’s efforts to increase the use of public transportation, the car is still a widely used means of transportation. Every time someone travels from one location to another (by car), he or she first determines the best route to reach the destination. Depending on the time of day and the day of the week, this route may be different. For example, the driver may know that a certain road is always congested at a particular time and day. As a consequence, he chooses to use a different route to avoid this congestion.

Car navigation systems (or Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems) are being offered as a special feature of new cars of an increasing number of car-brands. These car navigation systems are capable of taking over some of the tasks that are performed by the driver such as reading the map and determining the best route to the destination. They should also take daily congestion patterns into account. Because a car navigation system uses a built-in computer to determine a route, it can compare many different routes and the user expects the system to determine the best possible or optimum route fast. This report is concerned with presenting the role of GIS- GPS integration in intelligent vehicle highway systems besides giving an in depth role of route planning algorithms that enable a car navigation system to plan optimum routes on very large real-world road networks in very little time, taking daily congestion patterns into account.



There are a number of scenarios where it is desirableto have a wireless device connect to multiple networkssimultaneously. Currently, this is possible only by using multiple wireless network cards in the device. Unfortunately, using multiple wireless cards causes excessive energy drain and consequent reduction of lifetime in battery operated devices. In this paper, we propose a software based approach, called MultiNet, thatfacilitates simultaneous connections to multiple networks by virtualizing a single wireless card. The wireless card is virtualized by introducing an intermediate layer below IP, which continuously switches the card across multiple networks. The goal of theswitching algorithm is to be transparent to the user who sees hermachine as being connected to multiple networks. We present thedesign, implementation, and performance of the MultiNet system.We analyze and evaluate buffering and switching algorithms interms of delay and energy consumption. Our system is agnosticof the upper layer protocols, and works well over popular IEEE802.11 wireless LAN cards.


Automated text SUMMARIZATION

Over the past few years, especially with the emergence of the Internet, the exchange of information has increased immensely, affecting all of us. On the one hand, the scientific community makes us aware instantly of its scientific breakthroughs while on the other hand, journalists present reports from around the world in real time. The growing number of electronic articles, magazines and books that are made available everyday, puts more pressure on professionals from every walk of life as they struggle with information overload.
With the increasing availability of information and the limited time people have to sort through it all, it has become more and more difficult for professionals in various fields to keep abreast of developments in their respective disciplines A large portion of all available information today exists in the form of unstructured texts. Books, magazine articles, research papers, product manuals, memorandums, e-mails, and of course the Web, all contain textual information in the natural language form. Analyzing huge piles of textual information is often involved in making informed and correct business decisions.
By and large, we all have to deal with reviewing large volumes of textual information. This problem could be solved by the use of “Automated Text Summarization” systems. Such systems have been in research for over 50 years. It views a system that can model the information processing capabilities of the human brain. In general, systems based on traditional text summarization approaches analyzed a natural language text in a certain way at the level of individual sentences. The objective was to create a semantic representation of a sentence in the form of structured relations between important words comprising this sentence.
To solve this task, various previously developed linguistic molds were tried with the sentence and its components. When a mold matched the sentence well, a corresponding semantic construction was associated with the sentence. This technique provides a good first guidance for understanding the meaning of a text. But as it turns out, the main problem with this approach is that there can be too many different molds that one needs to build for analyzing different types of sentences. In addition, the list of exceptional constructions in this approach quickly grows prohibitively large. In other words, this approach works well only for a limited subset of natural language texts.


Acoustic Cryptanalysis

One of the methods for extracting information from supposedly secure systems is side-channel attacks: cryptanalytic techniques that rely on information unintentionally leaked by computing devices. Most side-channel attack research has focused on electromagnetic emanations (TEMPEST), power consumption and, recently, diffuse visible light from CRT displays. The oldest eavesdropping channel, namely acoustic emanations, has received little attention. The preliminary analysis of acoustic emanations from personal computers shows them to be a surprisingly rich source of information on CPU activity. Acoustic cryptanalysis is a side channel attack which exploits sounds audible or not, produced during a computation or input-output operation by computer workstations, impact printers, or electromechanical cipher machines. We will look at the possible attack method, attempt to analyze the risk of the method and give pointers for further research. In 2004, Adi Shamir and Eran Tromer demonstrated that it may be possible to conduct timing attacks against a CPU performing cryptographic operations by analysis of variations in its humming noise. In 2004, Dimitri Asonov and Rakesh Agarwal of the IBM Almaden Research Center announced that computer keyboards and keypads used on telephones and automated teller machines (ATMs) are vulnerable to attacks based on differentiating the sound produced by different keys.. By analyzing recorded sounds, they were able to recover the text of data being entered. These techniques allow an attacker using covert listening devices to obtain password, passphrases and personal identification number (PINs) and other security information. In 2005, a group of UC Berkeley researchers performed a number of practical experiments demonstrating the validity of this kind of threat.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)

Think about all of the information that people access on the Web on a day-to-day basis: news headlines, search results, “What’s New”, job vacancies, and so forth whose content changes on an unpredictable schedule. A large amount of this content can be thought of as a list.
Most people need to track a number of these lists, to see if there is any new content. But this becomes difficult once if there are more than a handful of sources. This is because they have to go to each page, load it, remember how it’s formatted, and find where they last left off in the list.
Email notification of changes was an early solution to this problem. Unfortunately, when people receive email notifications from multiple websites they are usually disorganized and can get overwhelming, and are often mistaken for spam. RSS is a better way to be notified of new and changed content. Notifications of changes to multiple websites are handled easily, and the results are presented to people in well organized and distinct from email.



The Sun Small Programmable Object Technology (SPOT) is new sensor network hardware with full Java support that has been introduced by Sun Microsystems. It is a state-of-the-art WSN platform that provides much more computational power and memory than the previous generations of very limited sensor nodes. The most notable feature of the Sun SPOT platform is that it runs Java as its native programming language on bare metal. This allows sophisticated algorithms to be implemented on the sensors nodes easily.A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations.Sun Small Programmable Object Technology is a wireless sensor network (WSN) mote (an electronic communication device meant to be the size of a particle of dust). The device is built upon the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Unlike other available mote systems, the Sun SPOT is built on the Squawk virtual machine.


Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA)

Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) is a technology that connects regular unlicensed wireless networks to GSM networks. The wireless networks are currently limited to Bluetooth and 802.11, but soon others will follow. UMA defines a UMA Network Controller, UNC, which connects to the GSM mobile network using standard A/Gb connections, replacing GSM’s Base Station Controller (BSC). All GSM services are tunneled through the IP pipe, including GPRS. Of course, data transfer speeds are quite a lot faster than with cellular access (UMA Technology).
Calls and data connections feature seamless handover between cellular and UMA, as well as roaming back to cellular if UMA isn’t available. UMA enabled phones can use any standard 802.11 access point for connection, though naturally the AP must provide network access for the user. The network features multiple UNCs, one of which is a default one. The default UNC chooses another UNC for the mobile terminal if needed, based on the network topology.
The mobile terminal connects to the UNC via unlicensed wireless networks and fixed line, using point-to-point IPSec encryption. The UNC contains a security gateway (SGW), which takes care of the IPSec tunnel and IKEv2 authentication (Mobile Pipeline). The subscribers are identified by SIM credentials, and the SGW is connected to GSM’s AAA service for subscriber authentication.
Calls are transferred through IP bearers (RTP and UDP), using the same data flow as with VoIP networks. GPRS connections are carried by TCP using a lightweight UMA-RLC protocol, which is suitable for always-on broadband connections. (Mobile Pipeline). Right now, there are no phones implementing UMTS and UMA at the same time – only handoff between GSM and UMA exists. At the moment, the UNC does not support all of the UMTS services, so development still goes on (In Code 2006).

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3D displays which use glasses have not gained wide acceptance. Autostereo displays provide 3D perception without the need for special glasses or other head gear. Three basic technologies exist to make autostereo displays: spatial multiplex, multiprojector and time-sequential. These can be used to make two types of useful device: two-view, headtracked displays; and multi-view displays. The former tend to be single-viewer systems while the latter can support multiple viewers. The latter tend to require more processing power because they have more views than the former. Both types will find uses in their own niches. An autostereoscopic display provides the viewer with a three-dimensional image without the need for special glasses.
3D displays which require the viewer to wear special glasses are reasonably well known. These displays present two different images in the same plane. The glasses select which of the two images is visible to each of the viewer’s eyes. Technologies for this include standard colour display combined with coloured glasses (anaglyph method); two standard displays made coplanar by an half-silvered mirror, combined with polarised glasses; and a double frame rate display combined with shuttered glasses. Such displays have not gained wide acceptance, partly owing to the need to wear glasses. Autostereo displays provide 3D perception without glasses and should, therefore, prove more commercially viable. Multi-view and head-tracked autostereoscopic displays offer the viewer three dimensional realism lacking in conventional two-dimensional or stereoscopic displays. They combine the effects of both stereo parallax and movement parallax producing a perceived effect similar to that of a white light hologram. The observer sees a different image of the scene with each eye and different images again whenever he moves his head. He is able to view a potentially infinite number of different images of the scene. Thus both stereo and horizontal movement parallax cues can be provided with a small number of views. The finite number of views required in allows the replacement of the scene by a three dimensional display that outputs a different image to each window.


Latest File Sharing Networks

File sharing is the practice of making files available for other users to download over the Internet and smaller networks. The majority of users of such networks are the people from academic circles, open source communities’ members or the freelance users hunting for media.Usually file sharing follows the peer-to-peer (P2P) model, where the files are stored on and served by personal computers of the users. Most people who engage in file sharing are also downloading files that other users share. Sometimes these two activities are linked together. P2P file sharing is distinct from file trading in that downloading files from a P2P network does not require uploading, although some networks either provide incentives for uploading such as credits or force the sharing of files being currently downloaded.
The earliest and popular most network which came into being was Napster, although it was soon sacked for copy-right violations, it left behind a rage for free music exchange. Soon a number of new networks sprouted up one by one. Better than ever before, faster protocols for sharing, improved protection against copyright violations, even basis for file distribution, they are simply getting better and better. But a common problem which is faced by each of them is- Safe Distribution Of Copyrighted Material. Although illegal but the people on such networks strive for them and needless to say that advocate such kind of distribution. A new approach which is being taken up quickly, to answer the stated need, is Anonymous File Sharing.
The term 'Anonymous P2P' is somewhat of a misnomer. This is because by design, a network node must be pseudonymous since it must have an "address" at which it can be reached by other peer nodes in order to exchange data. However, usually this address, especially on anonymous networks, does not contain any directly identifiable information. Thus a user is highly, but not completely, anonymous. (In friend-to-friend networks, only your friends can know that your address is used to exchange files.)When receiving data on any network it must come from somewhere and data must have been requested by someone. The anonymity comes from the idea that no one knows who requested the information as it is difficult - if not impossible - to determine if a user requested the data for himself or simply requested the data on behalf of another user. The end result is that everyone on an anonymous network acts as a universal sender and universal receiver to maintain anonymity.
If people are only universal receivers and do not send, then one would know that the information they were requesting was for themselves only, removing any plausible deniability that they were the recipients (and consumers) of the information. Thus, in order to remain anonymous, one must ferry information for others on the network.Thus Anonymous file sharing networks relies on two important things - Encrypting the data being transferred and Providing means to hide the identification of sender as well as receiver, basically, somehow masking the IP addresses of the computers on the network. When talking about anonymous systems it is vital to be precise about what is anonymous, from whom, under what conditions, and exactly how anonymous. The majority of anonymous peer-to-peer Systems are “friend-to-friend” networks. These are peer-to-peer networks in which each peer (node) only connects to a small number of other, known nodes. Only the direct neighbors of a node know its IP address. Communication with remote nodes is provided by sending messages hop-to-hop across this overlay network.
Such technology is desirable and in some cases necessary to ensure freedom of speech and the free flow of information. The claim is that true freedom of speech, especially on controversial subjects, is difficult or impossible unless individuals can speak anonymously. If anonymity is not possible, one could be subjected to threats or reprisals for voicing an unpopular view. This is one reason why voting is done by secret ballot in many democracies.Anonymous P2P also has value in normal daily communication. When communication is anonymous, the decision to reveal the identity of the communicating parties is left up to the parties involved and is not available to a third party. Often there is no need or desire by the communicating party to be forced to reveal their identity. As a matter of personal freedom, many people do not want processes in place by default which supplies unnecessary data. Such data, could also be complied into histories of their activities, and which in their opinion, should be inherently controlled by the caller, not the called.



Computer graphics started with the display of data on hardcopy plotters and Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) screens soon after the introduction of computers themselves. It has grown to include the creation, storage, and manipulation of models and images of objects. These models come from a diverse and expanding set of fields and include physical, mathematical, engineering, architectural, and even conceptual (abstract) structures, natural phenomena and so on. Computer graphics today is largely interactive: The user controls the contents, structures, and appearance of objects and of their displayed images by using input devices such as keyboard, mouse, and touch-sensitive panel on screen.

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The Internet has made a significant impact on society through its use as a communication and data transfer mechanism. It is anticipated that in the future its impact will be seen in the control of remote embedded devices, including mobile robots that can be teleoperated by Internet users. It is expected that these systems will play a key role in hazardous environments such as the nuclear industry, underwater, and space, and also serve us at home.
Although the Internet offers standardised, cost effective and accessible functionality, its use as a communication mechanism is constrained by limited bandwidth, indeterminate transmission delay, and potential data loss. Recent Internet robot systems have developed control strategies to overcome the effect of limited bandwidth and delay in the Internet.
However these systems do not sufficiently address fault tolerance issues such as loss of communication within the system and partial or full loss of robot functionality. In addition most of these systems control a single robot and would therefore not consider fault tolerance issues related to multiple robot control.Existing fault tolerant architectures are effective in the control of robots for which they were designed, but they do not consider issues such as limited bandwidth, indeterminate transmission delay and potential data loss. In addition they lack consideration for the role of a human user within the robots control loop. We use a mobile agent programming in building fault tolerance architecture in a multiple Internet robot system.

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A Taxonomy Of Wireless Micro Sensor Network

Wireless sensor network is important in sensing, Collecting and disseminating information about environmental Phenomenon. This report contain emerging field to classify wireless micro sensor network according to different communication functions, data delivery models and network dynamics. This taxonomy will aid in defining appropriate communication infra structure for diff. sensor network application subspaces. It allows network designer to choose the Protocol architecture. According to their application this taxonomy will enable new sensor network models to define for use in further research in this area.

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Active Campus using Mobile Tech

The traditional university campus is designed to develop a thriving community of lerners ,but modernity has introduced many stresses .Mobile computing holds the potential to make strong a campus’s traditional institutions of community through a process of indirect mediation i.e using personal wireless devices.These paper introduces Active-campus, a suite of personal services for maintaining an educational community. The design and implementation of ActiveCampus is described, which is now in deployment on the UCSD(University Of California, San Diego) campus.

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Application of Mobile Agent

Mobile agent technology facilitates intelligent operation in software system with less human interaction. Major challenge to deployment of mobile agents and preventing unauthorized access to resources between interacting systems, as either hosts, or agents, or both can act maliciously. A Secure mobile agent system, handles the transmission and secure management of mobile agents in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment. It provides users with the option of incorporating their security managers.
Security infrastructure is critical for any system for providing the end-user the quality of service. The need for security in mobile paradigm is overwhelming because of its various application in commercial world. We consider a study of various policies and issues regarding the security architecture that are to be consideredin the design of mobile systems so that they can be visualized in the commercial arena.
This also presents the Agent pattern, a design pattern useful to develop dynamic and distributed applications. The Agent pattern provides a clean and easy way to develop agent-based applications, mainly in open and large-scale distributed environments such as the Internet and application areas such as Electronic Commerce.

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Bio Metrix Security System

With the increasing use of electronics and electronic commerce in our day-to-day lives, the importance of fraud-proof identification and recognition systems for use in security applications has grown .The improved understanding of biological systems and the ability to model them using computer algorithms has led to utilization of biometrics in authentication systems. Voice, Iris, Face, Signature, Hand Geometry are the biometrics that have been studied and applied to various kinds of identification and authentication systems.
Biometrics is a means of using parts of the human body as a kind of permanent password. Technology has advanced to the point where computer systems can record and recognize the patterns, hand shapes, ear lobe contours, and a host of other physical characteristics. Using this biometrics, laptop and other portable devices can be empowered with the ability to instantly verify your identity and deny access to everybody else.

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Blue Gene Technology

Blue Gene is a massively parallel computer being developed at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Blue Gene represents a hundred-fold improvement on performance compared with the fastest supercomputers of today. It will achieve 1 PetaFLOP/sec through unprecedented levels of parallelism in excess of 4,0000,000 threads of execution. The Blue Gene project has two important goals, in which understanding of biologically import processes will be advanced, as well as advancement of knowledge of cellular architectures (massively parallel system built of single chip cells that integrate processors, memory and communication), and of the software needed to exploit those effectively. This massively parallel system of 65,536 nodes is based on a new architecture that exploits system-on-a-chip technology to deliver target peak processing power of 360 teraFLOPS (trillion floating-point operations per second). The machine is scheduled to be operational in the 2004-2005 time frame, at price/performance and power consumption/performance targets unobtainable with conventional architectures.

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BlueTooth Security

Bluetooth is a way of connecting machines to each other without cables or any other physical medium. It uses radio waves to transfer information, so it is very easily affected by attacks. In this let me first give some background information about Bluetooth system and security issues in ad hoc networks, a security framework is introduced for the description of the Bluetooth security layout.Then both link-level and service-level security schemes are discussed in detail on the basis of the framework and then it concentrates on specific security measures in Bluetooth, mainly authentication, encryption, key management and ad hoc aspects. Corresponding countermeasures are also proposed in order to improve the Bluetooth security.

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CDMA Evolution

We are moving into a new era of communications and information technology. Personal competitiveness in business in relies more and more on increase personal productivity and responsiveness. Today everybody is on the move and mobile is the only way to keep contact with that person. But now a days peoples want multimedia facilities from their mobile handset. But it requires high data rate, hi efficiency and many more technical things, which are available in third generation. (CDMA) so the CDMA TECHNOLOGY makes existing mobile handset more efficient and attractive.
CDMA (3G) mobile devices and services will transform wireless communications into on-line, real-time connectivity. 3G wireless technology will allow an individual to have immediate access to location-specific services that offer information on demand. The first generation of mobile phones consisted of the analog models that emerged in the early 1980s. The second generation of digital mobile phones appeared about ten years later along with the first digital mobile networks. During the second generation, the mobile telecommunications industry experienced exponential growth both in terms of subscribers as well as new types of value-added services. Mobile phones are rapidly becoming the preferred means of personal communication, creating the world's largest consumer electronics industry.The rapid and efficient deployment of new wireless data and Internet services has emerged as a critical priority for communications equipment manufacturers. Network components that enable wireless data services are fundamental to the next-generation network infrastructure. Wireless data services are expected to see the same explosive growth in demand that Internet service and wireless voice services have seen in recent years.This report presents an overview of current technology trends in the wireless technology market, a historical overview of the evolving wireless technologies and an examination of how the communications industry plans to implement 3G wireless technology standards to address the growing demand for wireless multimedia services.

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Cellular Digital Packet Data is a technique, which is applicable over cellular network for quick transfer of data. It is applicable in providing a quick transfer of data over cellular networks. It transmits the packets over the cellular network in a reliable manner. Packet networks break a stream of data in to independent blocks of data called the packets. CDPD is wirelesses IP network that overlay on the existing AMPS cellular infrastructure. The CDPD raw channel modulation user rate is 19.2 kbps. It provides high speed, high capacity and cost effective data. It performs the important role in its network. It plays important role in credit card verification and ATM networks. With this technology both voice.

Challenges & potential in Mob Comp

As we know the field of mobile computing is as broad as traditional computer. The costumer wants from technology expecting the same convenience and computing power in mobile device as same as computer on desk. For the people lending to think and work in the places other than desks, mobile computing allows them to use computer where ever they needed not where it is tied by wire and most popular example of this is Laptop.The mobile computing is simply defined as a computing device which can communicate through a wireless channel. The explosion in mobile computing has been made possible through the continued advancement of certain key technological areas. It is possible to evaluate the past successes, current trends and future opportunities by considering the following areas. First we need to consider the relationship between mobility, portability, human ergonomics and cost, e.g. in order to make a device portable it must be small and lightweight which preclude the hard drive and keyboard design. The second thing that is a fundamental requirement of today’s computer network connectivity. This mostly implies the radio-frequency wireless communication for mobile devices. And the third and most important are the power consideration of mobile computer. Mobility implies reliance on mobile portable power source in the form of battery. The parts of the mobile devices are power-efficient because the power available from a battery is closely related to its size and weight. As expected that the power of battery is not increased more than 30% in future[3], power efficiency is the fundamental technology.
Also we are must be aware of What is really about mobile computing? The computer are smaller and bit travel by wireless rather Ethernet. How can this possibly make any difference? Isn’t a mobile system merely a special case of a distributed system? Are there any new and deep issues to be investigated, or is mobile computing just the latest fad?All answer of above questions are there in the report which is in three parts: a characteristics of the essence of mobile computing; a brief summary of result obtained in the context of the Coda and Odyssey system; and a guided tour of fertile research topics awaiting investigation.

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Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence is defined as the ability of a group to solve more problems than its individual members. It is argued that the obstacles created by individual cognitive limits and the difficulty of coordination can be overcome by using a collective mental map (CMM). A CMM is defined as an external memory with shared read/write access that represents problem states, actions and preferences for actions. It can be formalized as a weighted, directed graph. The creation of a network of pheromone trails by ant colonies points us to some basic mechanisms of CMM development: averaging of individual preferences, amplification of weak links by positive feedback, and integration of specialized subnetworks through division of labor. Similar mechanisms can be used to transform the World-Wide Web into a CMM, by supplementing it with weighted links.
Two types of algorithms are explored:
1) The co-occurrence of links in web pages or user selections can be used to compute a matrix of link strengths, thus generalizing the technique of “collaborative filtering”;
2) Learning web rules extract information from a user’s sequential path through the web in order to change link strengths and create new links. The resulting weighted web can be used to facilitate problem solving by suggesting related links to the user, or, more powerfully, by supporting a software agent that discovers relevant documents through spreading activation.

Connectionist Systems

The rapid proliferation of computers through all organizations make it necessary to look at manufacturing in a new way to meet rapidly changing market conditions and the business environment. By using networking within the organisation manufacturing units can work at high efficiencies and make decisions that affact their operations in a most informed way. However, the extension of this networking to physical levels in the shop floor needs to be given special attention since this is often the weak link in the information chain.
Organisations have also to look at the networking to the outside world which will have a great bearing on their ability to respond to opportunities, threats and regulatory policies impinging on their business.

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Content Based Multicast Model

In this model, the content of the multicast data determines the receiver set for the data and the receiver set changes dynamically as the content of the multicast changes. Delivering the multicast to intended receivers while minimizing the message overhead and reducing battery consumption is a challenge made harder because of node mobility. This novel multicast model that distributes this form of threat information in a message efficient manner. In this report, result from detail simulations that demonstrate the efficiency of our protocol and discus the scalability of this model to larger networks.

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Data Mining Appl in E-comm

E-commerce domain can provide all the right ingredients for successful data mining and claim that it is a killer domain for data mining. With the proliferation of the electronic commerce e-purchasing has become a daily practice for many purchasing organizations. Data mining has been used in e-commerce for some time already. It has many applications in this field such as: searching for patterns in transactional data, preparation of personalization applications, etc. [1]. However, before this kind of data analysis will be ever possible, an e-commerce system itself needs to be successfully implemented.
The data mining applications has been discussed briefly based on a projectInvolving IBM and Britain’s Safeway supermarkets.

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DataSharing Among Mobile User

Applications that rely on replicated data have different requirements for how their data is managed. For example, some applications may require that updates propagate amongst replicas with tight time constraints, whereas other applications may be able to tolerate longer propagation delays. Some applications only require replicas to interoperate with a few centralized replicas for data synchronization purposes, while other applications need communication between arbitrary replicas. Similarly, the type of update conflicts caused by data replication varies amongst applications, and the mechanisms to resolve them differ as well. The challenge faced by designers of replicated systems is providing the right interface to support cooperation between applications and their data managers. Application programmers do not want to be overburdened by having to deal with issues like propagating updates to replicas and ensuring eventual consistency, but at the same time they want the ability to set up appropriate replication schedules and to control how update conflicts are detected and resolved. The Bayou system was designed to mitigate this tension between overburdening and under empowering applications. This paper illustrates ways to manage their data in an application-specific manner.

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Digital Rights Management

The electronic commerce with digital content over the open, unsecured network like the Internet provides opportunities as well as risks for content providers. So far, most content providers of media and entertainment content such as music, film, or print content have not been successful or profitable in charging consumers for their products. Nor have they been successful in creating the technology frameworks required to remunerate on the one-hand content owners and on the other hand protect against piracy. The recent emergence of Digital Rights Management Systems (DRMS) provides an instrument for content providers to protect and exploit their digital content to consumers and simultaneously fight against piracy.

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Digital Watermarking

Today’s world is digital world. Nowadays, in every field there is enormoususe of digital contents.Information handled on INTERNET and MULTIMEDIA NETWORK SYSTEM is in digital form.The copying of digital content withoutquality loss is not so difficult.Due to this,there are more chances of copying ofsuch digital information.So,there is great need of prohibiting such illegalcopyright of digital media.Digital watermarking(DWM) is the powerful solutionto this problem.Digital watermarking is nothing but the technology in which thereis embedding of various information in digital content which we have to protectfrom illegal copying.This embedded information to protect the data is embedded as watermark.Beyond the copyright protection,Digital watermarking is having some other applications as fingerprinting,owner identification etc.Digital water-marks are of different types as robust,fragile,visible and invisible.Application isdepending upon these watermarks classifications.There are some requirementsof digital watermarks as integrity,robustness and complexity.

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Virtual Disk Proxy

Virtual disk proxy is implemented along with VDC. VDC store objects that receives large fraction of request. And uses approximation for storing other objects. Cache hierarchy is used to fetch the object from neighboring caches or parents. VD Proxy handles all network communication with VD Server. It provides interface to store for an operation read/write of pages. It opens socket connection to VDC & write commands indicating read & write operation

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Document Clustering

Clustering is used to partition a set of data so objects in the same cluster are more similar to one another than they are to objects in other clusters. In the field of information retrieval (IR), document clustering is used to automatically organize large collection of retrieval results, grouping together documents that belong to the same topic in order to facilitate user’s browsing of retrieval results [1]. It is also used in word sense disambiguation, as well as many other applications.
Conventional document retrieval systems return long lists of ranked documents that users are forced to sift (to filter out) through to find relevant documents. The majority of today's Web search engines (e.g., Excite, AltaVista) follow this paradigm. Web search engines are also characterized by extremely low precision.
The low precision of the Web search engines coupled with the ranked list presentation make it hard for users to find the information they are looking for. Instead of attempting to increase precision (e.g., by filtering methods) [2], we attempt to make search engine results easy to browse. This report considers whether document clustering is a feasible method of presenting the results of Web search engines.

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Dynamic interoperability of mobile agent systems

Mobile agents are an increasingly popular paradigm, and in recent years, there has been a proliferation of mobile agent systems. These systems are, however, largely incompatible with each other. In particular, agents cannot migrate to a host that runs a different mobile-agent system. Prior approaches to interoperability have tried to force agents to use a common API, and so far, none have succeeded. The goal, summarized in the catch phrase Write Once, Move Anywhere, leads to the efforts to develop mechanisms that support dynamic runtime interoperability of mobile-agent systems.

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Ecomm Transaction in Mob

Ecommerce Transaction on Mobile consists conducting information and transaction by means of mobile devices. One such service is mobile banking, which offers the user the possibility to inquire personal bank accounts, stock exchanges information as well as transfer funds from one account to another.
Advanced technologies such as the SIM Application Toolkit and the wireless application protocol, enable new user friendly value added services via mobile phones. Various technologies and there possible services that can be built upon them are described in this paper. I conclude by drawing out possibilities for market evolution and technologies in the area of Ecommerce on mobile computing environment and will make a link to the multimedia services over UMTS.

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Edge Preserving Image Compresstion for Magnetic Resonance Images

This seminar report gives us an overview of the image compression of Magnetic Resonance Images. It gives us the steps involved in image compression and the characteristics of an appropriate image compression scheme. It covers the DCT Technique and Vector Quantization.
The seminar report covers the data compression using Neural Networks and gives the architecture of Edge Preserving Image Compressor.It gives the compressor and de-compressor overview. The report also covers the goals for developing a compression architecture.
The report addresses the use of DANN-Network for the compression of Magnetic Resonance Images. It covers the features for improving EPIC upon the DANN architecture. The report gives details about the Modified DANN Training procedure. It also covers the Epic Compression Algorithms.
Finally the report gives the advantages of Epic Compression scheme and also the future enhancements.

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This report introduces ongoing research concerning hardware implementations of spiking neural network on embedded systems. Goal is to implement a spiking neural network in reconfigurable network, more specifically embedded systems.Spiky neural networks are widely used in neural modeling, due to their biological relevance and high computational power.
This report gives investigation of the usage of spiking dynamics in embedded artificial neural networks, which serve as a control mechanism for evolved autonomous agents performing a delayed-response task. Here an evolved spiky network is compared with evolved McCulloch-Pitts networks, while confronting new questions about the nature of spikiness and its contribution to the neurocontroller's processing. On the behavioral level, it shows that in a memory-dependent task, network solutions that incorporate spiking dynamics can be less complex and easier to evolve than neurocontrollers involving McCulloch-Pitts neurons.

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Embeded Java

When Sun first introduced the Java programming language, it took the desktop computing world by storm. The simplicity and platform-independence of the language attracted developers who struggled with portability issues and project deadlines. Since that time, developers in the embedded device market have come to understand and appreciate the benefits of the Java platform Because of its many advantages, numerous device manufacturers now integrate the Java platform into consumer devices. In addition, vendors that build technology for the embedded device market are evolving the Java platform for the future, participating in the Java Community Process(JCP) Program.

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Energy management has been a critical problem since the earliest days of mobile computing. Although a large research investment in low power circuit design and hardware power management has led to more energy efficient system. The O.S. uses additional information available during execution , such as resource supply and demand , to advise application which trade off are best. The dissertation first shows how one can measure the energy impact of higher levels of system. It describes design and implementation of power scope , an energy profiling tool that maps energy consuming to specific code components. Power scope helps developers increase the energy efficiency of their software by focusing attention on those processes and procedures that are responsible for the bulk of energy use. It focuses on two dimensions.
1.Reduction of data and computation quality.
2.Relocation of execution to remote machines.
Thus increases lifetime of the batteryAlso the energy saving can be achieved by placing the remote network device in power save mode and service network requests from the local hard drive catche .It is over the remote network for certain file sizes.Tis is called as effect of large storage on mobile computing.

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E-Votimg System

The topic “Test and evaluation of an electronics database expert system:E-voting system”consists of a brief idea about the expert systems and its objectives.It also tells us about its application in the electronics field specially.It gives a brief idea about the E-voting system ,an electronics database expert system,its basic architecture and the security arraingements that can be provided.Much research has been carried out in many contries like U.K.,U.S.,Spain etc.They have specially tried and given the best queries and the solutions that could be benetifical for providing an electronics voting system,a best of its kind..

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Eye Gaze Comm System

The Eyegaze System is a communication and control system for people with complex physical disabilities. You run the system with your eyes. By looking at control keys displayed on a screen, a person can synthesize speech, control his environment (lights, appliances, etc.), type, operate a telephone, run computer software, operate a computer mouse, and access the Internet and e-mail. Eyegaze Systems are being used to write books attend school and enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities all over the world.

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Gesture Recognition and HMM

Understanding human motions can be posed as a pattern recognition problem. Humans express time-varying motion patterns (gestures), such as a wave, in order to convey a message to a recipient. If a computer can detect and distinguish these human motion patterns, the desired message can be reconstructed, and the computer can respond appropriately. This thesis describes an approach to recognize domain-dependent gestures using various different mehods. Constellation method and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) are one of the different methods of gesture recognition. Both methods have their special features and used according to appropriate situations. HMM involves more mathematical calculations than constellation method.

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Humanoid Robotics

The field of humanoids robotics is widely recognized as the current challenge for robotics research .The humanoid research is an approach to understand and realize the complex real world interactions between a robot, an environment, and a human. The humanoid robotics motivates social interactions such as gesture communication or co-operative tasks in the same context as the physical dynamics. This is essential for three-term interaction, which aims at fusing physical and social interaction at fundamental levels.
People naturally express themselves through facial gestures and expressions. Our goal is to build a facial gesture human-computer interface fro use in robot applications. This system does not require special illumination or facial make-up. By using multiple Kalman filters we accurately predict and robustly track facial features. Since we reliably track the face in real-time we are also able to recognize motion gestures of the face. Our system can recognize a large set of gestures (13) ranging from “yes”, ”no” and “may be” to detecting winks, blinks and sleeping.

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Image Compression Using Wedgelets

Images typically contain strong geometric features, such as edges, that impose a structure on pixel values and wavelet coefficients. Modeling the joint coherent behavior of wavelet coefficients is difficult, and standard image coders fail to fully exploit this geometric regularity .i.e Most wavelet-based image coders fail to model the joint coherent behavior of wavelet coefficients near edges. Wedgelet is introduced as a geometric tool for image compression. Wedgelets offer a convenient parameterization for the edges in an image, Wedgelets offer piecewise-linear approximations of edge contours and can be efficiently encoded.

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I-mode - The Wireless Revolution

The perceived lack of security in the wireless environment has delayed manyinitiatives in providing access to ecommerce applications from wireless devices.Many organizations are skeptical that the same kind of security protections thatthey are used to in the current Internet (wired) e-commerce environment are alsoavailable for wireless transactions. We describe the security properties andmechanisms available for Internet (wired), WAP based and I-Mode e-commerce.We find that both WAP and I-Mode provide excellent security features and aregeared to provide other security provisions over and above those commonlyavailable in a wired environment.

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Intelligent Game Playing Using Neural Networks

Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make computers do things which, at the moment, people do better. Game playing and Theorem proving share the property that people who do them well are considered to be displaying intelligence. Artificial Intelligence opens a new dimension of introducing intelligence inside machines.Initially the Computers could perform well at task such as playing games like Tic-Tac-Toe, where the numbers of solutions path are less. It was thought that this process required very less knowledge and could therefore be programmed easily. But even in simple games like Chess Playing there are around 10e100 possible moves for every move. So even to finish the first move would require our whole life time.
A neuron is a cell in the brain whose principal function is the collection, processing and dissemination of electrical signals. The brain’s information-processing capacity is thought to emerge primarily from networks of such neuron. For this some of the earliest AI work aimed to create artificial neural network. Researchers in AI and statistics became interested in the more abstract properties of neural networks. Such as their ability to perform distributed computation to tolerate noisy inputs, and to learn. Neural networks remain one of the most popular and effective forms of learning system.
Hence we use the concept of Neural Networks in game playing, making games more robust by inducing learning from experience ability. The BC3K Artificial Intelligence & Logistics, AILOG, engine, uses a neural net for very basic goal oriented decision making and route finding when navigating the vast expanse of the game's galaxy.
In this paper I explain the concept of game playing, different genres, role of neural networks hence AI and also the current research work going in the field of game playing and making games more intelligent.

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The IP address depletion and scaling in routing are the two most compelling problems in IP Internet. The solution to is to place Network Address Translators (NAT) at the border of stub domain. Network Address Translation is the method by which IP addresses are mapped from one realm to another, in an attempt to provide transparent routing to hosts. Each NAT box has a small pool of globally unique IP domain are not globally unique; they are reused in other addresses that are dynamically assigned to IP flows going through NAT. The IP addresses inside the stub domains, thus solving the address depletion problem. The pool of IP addresses in NAT is from a subnet administered by the regional backbone, thus solving the scaling problem. The main advantage of NAT is that it can be installed without changes to routers or hosts.

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This seminar report describes how you can protect your system from Intrusion, which is the method of Intrusion prevention and Intrusion detection. The underlying premise of our Intrusion detection system is to describe attack as instance of ontology and its first need is to detect the attack.
Fuzzy clustering is one of the techniques of I.D.This model has two phases. First phase uses data mining technique to analyze low-level data string that capture process, system and network states and to detect anomalous behavior. Second phase reasons over instances of anomalous behavior specified according to out ontology.
Integrated service checker and Automatic Backdoor Analysis is another method of network I.D.

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The technology has so far targeted mainly our sence of sight and sound. To further enhance the virtual reality experience and another flavor to it, technology is now targeting your nose and tongue.
The application area of virtual reality is vast- from normal entertainment to the Internet and e-commerce application. You will be able to smell product before buying them online.California-based Digiscents Inc. has developed the iSmell personal scent synthesizer. This small device connects through your pc via serial port and has its own driver.



In the last couple of years many researches have focused on distributed and mobile technology, resulting in various implementations. Most of these implementations are based on Java, and various technologies are used to provide distribution of data and excecutional components. In 1999 IBM implemented the mobile multi-agent system using the Aglets framework as an underlying technology for the mobility. Further it was discovered that IBM was not going to proceed development of Aglets framework.
As a result it was decided to look for an alternative technology to provide distribution and mobility support. This yields to Java Spaces technology. The main goal of this is to investigate “a frame-work for sharing objects in a distributed setting provide to support for mobile agents. The JavaSpaces technology was chosen because it provides simple high-level API and concepts, and provides a framework for mastering a dynamic, distributed environment of Java-objects. It provides the mechanism for transferring Java-objects between machines in a network.


With the advent of distributed systems across private networks and the internet, various protocols & standards are being developed for interactions be

With the advent of distributed systems across private networks and the internet, various protocols & standards are being developed for interactions between the systems. This article aims to provide a general overview of JXTA, its structure, underlying concepts & possible future developments.
JXTA technology is a network programming & computing platform that is designed to solve a number of problems in modern distributed computing, especially in the area broadly referred to as peer-to-peer computing P2P. Project JXTA was originally conceived by sun Microsystems & designed with the participation of small no. of experts from industry.


Local Pattern Ananlysis in Multi-databse Mining

Multi-database mining is an important research area because
(1) there is an urgent need for analyzing data in different sources.
(2) there are essential differences between mono- and multi-database mining and
(3) there are limitations in existing multi-database mining efforts.
This report discusses a new multi-database mining process.


Mobile Ad Hoc N/W

An ad hoc mobile network is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily located in such a manner that the interconnections between nodes are capable of changing on a continual basis. In order to facilitate communication within the network, a routing protocol is used to discover routes between nodes.
A "mobile ad hoc network" (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile routers (and associated hosts) connected by wireless links--the union of which form an arbitrary graph. The routers are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network's wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. Such a network may operate in a standalone fashion, or may be connected to the larger Internet.
The primary goal of such an ad hoc network routing protocol is correct and efficient route establishment between a pair of nodes so that messages may be delivered in a timely manner. In a mobile ad hoc network the hierarchical addresses must be continuously changed to reflect movements. This article examines routing protocols for ad hoc networks and evaluates these protocols based on a given set of parameters, also provides an overview of different protocols by presenting their characteristic.


Mobile IP V6


Mobility Support For Replicated Time App

Replicated real time applications such as co-operative document editors have to continuously update a shared state, thus require low network delays. If we use such applications in mobile and weakly connected environments state information often cannot be broadcasted immediately and thus it is difficult to maintain consistency. Here this problem is discussed with the help of DreamTeam, a framework for distributed applications that is extended to the mobile version Pocket DreamTeam[1]. This environment allows the developer to generate replicated applications (e.g. collaborative diagram tools, multi-user text editors, shared web browsers) in the same way as single user applications, without struggling with network details or replication algorithms. For mobile extension an architectural decomposition according to remote proxy pattern is suggested.



The Multimedia Technology Research Center (MTrec) is one of the leading research centers in the world which was engaged in MPEG-4 Research. MPEG-4 is mainly targeted for interactive multimedia applications & became the international standard in 1998 .MPEG-4 makes it possible to construct content such as movie , song , or animations out of multimedia objects. MPEG-4 is the global multimedia standard, delivering professional quality audio and video streams over a wide range of bandwidths, from cell phone to broadband and beyond . MPEG-4 interactive client-server applications are expected to play an important role in online multimedia services.



MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group a working group of ISO/IEC has developed MPEG-7 “Multimedia Content Description Interface” a standard for describing multimedia content.It addresses a wide variety of media types especially for non-textual documents unlike Dublin Core metadata set for textual documents. The DDL used for MPEG-7 is XML schema for expressing the syntax,structure,datatypes required by MPEG-7.RDF schema used has certain limitations so a specific program hasto be developed which is capable of automatically process an MPEG-7 XML schema document and converting it to some ontology which represents the semantics of MPEG-7 and compatible with corresponding XML schema.


The demand for data integration is rapidly becoming larger as more and more information sources appear in modern enterprises. In the data warehousing approach, selected information is extracted in advance and stored in a repository. This approach is used because of its high performance. However, in many situations a logical (rather than physical) integration of data is preferable. Previous web-based data integration efforts have focused almost exclusively on the logical level of data models, creating a need for techniques focused on the conceptual level. Also, previous integration techniques for web-based data have not addresses the special needs of OLAP tools such as handling dimensions with hierarchies.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is fast becoming the new standard for data representation and exchange on the World Wide Web. The rapid emergence of XML data on the web, e.g., business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce, is making it necessary for OLAP and other data analysis tools to handleXML data as well as traditional data formats.


Online Handwriting Recognition Using HMM

The integration of handwriting recognition systems with word processing and other computer applications and systems can significantly enhance the efficiency of document generation and improve overall productivity in a business environment.Although the performance of handwriting recognition systems has increased substantially over the last decades, there still remain a number of tasks which pose considerable problems for current state-of-the-art techniques. One of these tasks is the recognition of cursive handwriting or handwriting of Chinese/thai languages. The HMM is one of the better solution for developing handwriting recognition systems and gives appropriate way using probabilistic models.


Patterns Of Mob Interac

The design of system for mobile scenarios covers a wide range of issues, ranging from mobile networking to user interface design for mobile devices. Mobile applications often run distributed on several connected devices, used by many users simultaneously. Considering all issues related to mobile scenarios, a designer might be overwhelmed. As a solution, we propose a specific kind of design patterns which we call mobility patterns, derived from successful mobile applications. They allow a designer to re-use design elements as building blocks in their own designs. After describing the idea of mobility patterns, we give a brief overview of patterns. Two patterns are described in more detail with the help of our research platforms QuickStep and Pocket DreamTeam.

Peer to Peer Networks

The subject of “P2P” attracts much interest in the networking community, even though many disagree on its exact meaning. P2P technology promises to radically change the future of networking, yet the concept has existed for years. P2P also raises interesting cultural issues despite its “policy free” architecture. All in all, these apparent paradoxes of P2P only add to its mystique.
Peer to peer networks are gaining widespread acceptance as a scalable and robust model for data-sharing Internet applications. Building on the successful, though technically deficient, legacy of Napster and Gnutella, these systems strive to provide a scalable, decentralized, fault-tolerant, and self-stabilizing architecture for large scale data sharing applications. The broad vision of P2P systems, however, goes well beyond the sharing of music files.


Personal Metadata Service

People use a diversity of digital storage facilities, such as laptops, cell phone address books, handheld devices, desktop computers and web-based storage services. Unfortunately, as the number of such personal data repositories increases, so does the management problem of ensuring that the most up-to-date version of any document in a user's personal space is available to him/her on the storage facility he/she is currently using. The metadata service makes it easier to locate current versions of personal files and ensures their availability across different repositories. Roma-aware applications store information about each of a user's files, such as name, location, timestamp and keywords, on this centralized metadata service. Separating out these metadata from the data repositories makes it practical to keep the metadata store on a highly available, portable device. Description of the design requirements, architecture and current prototype implementation of Roma are provided.


Proof Carrying Code

Mobile code is code that traverses a network during its lifetime and executes at the destination machine. In its most powerful guise, the same piece of mobile code is able to run on multiple platforms (both Unix boxes and Win32 machines, for example). This code need not be compiled to tens of platforms and distributed only after determining the target platform. Instead, mobile code is written once and then runs wherever it ends up. There are many well-known systems for creating and using mobile code, including Java, JavaScript, VBScript.
The risks of downloading and running a random person's code on your machine are clear. If the code has a virus attached, it can infect your machine. This has to address threats due to rogue code being loaded and run. Proof carrying code is a technique by which a code consumer (e.g. host can verify that code provided by an untrusted code producer (e.g. untrusted Internet agent) adhenes to predefined set of safety. A code receiver establishes a set of safety rules that guarantee safe behavior of programs, and the code producer creates a formal safety proof that proves, for the untrusted code, adherence to the safety rules. Then, the receiver is able to use a simple and fast proof validator to check, with certainty that the proof is valid and hence the untrusted code is safe to execute.


Public Key Cryptography

The text provides a introduction to public key cryptography. It’s need and advantages over secret key cryptogrophy. Key management problem in secret key cryptosystem is solved by public key cryptography. RSA standards provide method for asymmetric key encryption. RSAES-OAEP, specific algorithm, uses RSA standards for encryption .It is explained in brief with its premitives. OAEP technique uses the concept of padding the hashed (coded) text by some random bits. This will strengthen the cryptosystem against various attacks. Padding of bits to encrypted data prevents the attack that uses method of prediction.



Ecommerce Transaction on Mobile consists conducting information and transaction by means of mobile devices. One such service is mobile banking, which offers the user the possibility to inquire personal bank accounts, stock exchanges information as well as transfer funds from one account to another.
Advanced technologies such as the SIM Application Toolkit and the wireless application protocol, enable new user friendly value added services via mobile phones. Various technologies and there possible services that can be built upon them are described in this paper. I conclude by drawing out possibilities for market evolution and technologies in the area of Ecommerce on mobile computing environment and will make a link to the multimedia services over UMTS.


The storage networking is a dedicated, high-speed network established to directly connect storage peripherals. It allows the direct communication between the storage devices and the client machines on the network. It provides a efficient solution for historical view of server attached storage. The emergence of storage networking brings a new trend in today’s networking technology. The two-major components of storage networking are SAN and NAS.
SAN is a storage area network. This is a high performance network deployed between the servers and storage devices. Typically SAN uses the fibre channel technology. It provides the various advance facilities over the LAN and WAN.
NAS is a network-attached storage. It is a storage element, which is directly connected to network to provide file access to the servers. NAS is generally used on TCP/IP networks. NAS devices are mainly used for security purposes.


Self Organised Public Key Management For Mobile ADHOC N/W

By definition, a mobile ad hoc network does not rely on any fixed infrastructure; instead, all networking functions (e.g., routing, mobility management, etc.) are performed by the nodes themselves in a self-organizing manner. For this reason, securing mobile ad hoc networks is challenging and, in some applications this requires a shift in paradigms with respect to the traditional security solutions for wireline networks. Meanwhile, we still rely on traditional cryptographic primitives. There are two extreme ways to introduce security in mobile ad hoc networks:
(1) through a single authority domain, where certificates and/or keys are issued by a single authority, typically in the system setup phase.
(2) through full self-organization, where security does not rely on any trusted authority or fixed server, not even in the initialization phase.
In this seminar, I have taken the second approach.


Smart Personal Object Technology

The Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT) Initiative, aimed at improving the function Smart Personal Objects of everyday objects through the injection of software.Technology makes everyday objects such as wristwatches, alarm clocks, and key chains, better at what they do. These information delivery devices can now provide high-value, personalized information that is time, location and context relevant. Enriching their functions in this way makes life easier for you, and with better communication.
Smart wristwatches, the first devices in the category, will be available in fall of 2003. Get what you need—when you need it. Just select the information you care about and your watch will do the rest. Let your watch intelligently filter information like sports scores, stock quotes, and weather for timely updates.
Smart enough to give you the time—and a whole lot more. Keep accurate local time wherever you are with automatic time zone updates. Time-sensitive data like traffic reports and news are delivered in when you need them. Private and personal. Your watch discretely delivers instant personal messages. A subtle vibration or quick glance at the screen alerts you to a message received. Downloadable watch faces complement your personal style and mood!


Speech Synthesis

Speech Synthesis is the technology that underlies the ability of computer talk. Current synthetic speech technology attempts to achieve the goal of producing human-sounding speech from a machine. Enormous progress has been made in recent years such that synthetic speech of reasonable quality is available at affordable prices. All the signs are that this development will continue , particularly to the benefit of both those people who need to use it because other forms of communication are not available to them.


Strategy pattern in BAST framework

BAST is an object-oriented framework for building fault-tolerant distributed applications in a modular and easy manner. It also aims at helping in the implementation of distributed protocols, by providing Protocol classes, as well as centralized and distributed design pattern. . The name BASTET designates the environment which provides development support for the Bast framework.


Struct Component Framework For System Design

Many embedded systems have different design constraints. Design culture dysfunction make design difficult to be successfully applying tools to embedded system . Integration of system design is increased. Due this there is a widening gap in size and complexity of chip-level deign and design capabilities. To bridge this gap in design productivity a number of advances have been made in high-level modeling and validation. Specifically advances have been made in ‘Abstraction and Reuse ` and ‘ Structured design methods `. Structured design methods are Component-Based Design and Platform Based Design. There are many trends for design embedded system. Out of that highly programmed platform and UML for embedded software development are recent one. In unified embedded system development methodology, these two can be combined. Though these two concepts are powerful in their own right, their combination magnifies the effective gain in productivity and implementation.


Supply Chain Management System

The supply chain environment is very flexible due to changing demand and pressure from competitors. This article determines that a software architecture is needed to allow information systems to be realigned with the changing supply chain without effort or delay. The characteristics and requirements of the supply chain of the future matches the advantages and characteristics of a software component architecture. The software engineering methodology of component based development, which builds systems using the software structures Components, allows the underlying software architecture to be rapidly changeable. We show how components can be optimized for inter-operability,facilitating the integration of information systems as the supply chain view extends outside of the company. The required specialization of components before they are applicable to supply chain software is explained.


S/W Quality & Reliability

It gives the general view about Software-Quality and Reliability. Software Quality includes Quality models, Quality factor its procedural flow and calculation. Its also tells about Software metrics to improve SW Quality. Under Software Reliability comes importance of Software Reliability, Software Reliability models, Software reliability metrics and measuring reliability and availability.
Under Software Quality Assurance comes Quality Assurance, cost of quality and SQA activities. Analyzing, measuring and assessing SW Quality with logic-based graphical framework, it includes hierarchy theory, function modeling, approach to quality assessment and GDQA framework.
It further includes Software trust ability assessment, failures/errors affecting software quality and reliability also tools to improve SW Quality and Reliability and future of Software Quality and Reliability for next 10 years.
If Software Quality and Reliability is improved it will run anywhere, any line on any platform.


Text Generation For Summarizaton Using NLP

The purpose of this seminar report is to give the basic overview of text generation for summarization in such way that one can able to understand basic concepts, the principle of operation & some services.Obviously seminar report cover the some standard & that is providing primary information for the user to implement summarization systems.This seminar report addresses mainly basic concepts of summarization techniques and mechanisms of it & services.

The State of Art in Computer Animation

Animation has always required a close collaboration between artists and scientists, poets and engineers. Current trends in computer animation have made successful and effective teamwork a necessity.
Computer animation is art or technology which generally refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene. The changes in the scene are made by translation, rotation or scaling.Computer animation may also be define as technique in which illusion of movement is created by displaying on a screen, or recording on a device a series of individual states of dynamic scene.
The key issue of computer animation is the way of defining motion, what is commonly known as Motion Control Method [MCM]. MCM may be classified based on nature of information, which is directly manipulated: geometric, physical, or behavioral.