The Internet has made a significant impact on society through its use as a communication and data transfer mechanism. It is anticipated that in the future its impact will be seen in the control of remote embedded devices, including mobile robots that can be teleoperated by Internet users. It is expected that these systems will play a key role in hazardous environments such as the nuclear industry, underwater, and space, and also serve us at home.
Although the Internet offers standardised, cost effective and accessible functionality, its use as a communication mechanism is constrained by limited bandwidth, indeterminate transmission delay, and potential data loss. Recent Internet robot systems have developed control strategies to overcome the effect of limited bandwidth and delay in the Internet.
However these systems do not sufficiently address fault tolerance issues such as loss of communication within the system and partial or full loss of robot functionality. In addition most of these systems control a single robot and would therefore not consider fault tolerance issues related to multiple robot control.Existing fault tolerant architectures are effective in the control of robots for which they were designed, but they do not consider issues such as limited bandwidth, indeterminate transmission delay and potential data loss. In addition they lack consideration for the role of a human user within the robots control loop. We use a mobile agent programming in building fault tolerance architecture in a multiple Internet robot system.
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