VISPRO Environment

To improve the productivity of the designers, domain specific languages and development environment are frequently used. Domain specific design environment are very costly to construct in the requirement aspects of software area. To simplify this task , the visual design editor generator is used by Vispro.
Vispro is a system, which is used for generation of visual programming languages. It uses this visual design editor generator to construct the domain specific languages and development environment. There are two major parts of an engineering domain. First is GUI and second is the integrated toolset.
The first part GUI, it provides functions to engineer and engineer can easily manipulates the objects constituting a design, also creates sub-designs and navigate within or between designs. The second part integrated toolset, that provides the engineer with feedback on a design. The visual design editor generator simplifies GUI by extending platform for constructing and presenting graphics that is cots product-Microsoft PowerPoint. This is very useful for creation of the GUI for a new domain. Power Point itself provides design editing GUI, which is common across engineering domain.
Further sections gives the details of all these things. Section 2 describes Domains and Designs. Section 3 represents the analyzers and analyses. Section 4 is about Design Editors. And Section 5 gives the detail idea about Product Line Architecture for Design editors.